Friday, October 18, 2019

Strategic Assets Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic Assets - Case Study Example According to Rupert Murdoch News Corporation are blessed with many things: dedicated employees; a consistent vision; compelling products and services; loyal customers throughout the world; and boundless opportunity as the global thirst for entertainment and news explodes. It is true there are all kinds f opportunities for News Corporation. However in the unstable world environment we probably will experience economic downturn for a period f time. I would say that there are risk and threats in every aspect. The news media is very sensitive to most countries in the world. It is even worse in this moment when America is attacking Afghanistan. The economy is suffering a downturn as a whole. Technology is growing very fast. The cross-border globalization f communication still remains a difficult issue for news companies. Local government plays n very important role in the industry. Country like China they control news media tightly and there are heaps f regulations and restriction in the country. Never before has this industry seen such turmoil both in terms f changes in technology and challenges posed us and our competitors by regulatory authorities around the world. Global competition is becoming more and more intense. There are high development costs for news companies. The industry is in a mature stage f PLC. News companies are fighting hard to maintain market share. It is time to emphasis efficiency and low cost. As for the five forces, it is difficult for new entrants to come. However the buyers have stronger bargaining power as they have more choice and better knowledge about the industry. There are no specific substitutes for News Coporation as they cover almost all aspects f news media. The competitive rivalry is very strong in the news industry. The News Corporation has a vast range f products like * filmed entertainment; * television; * cable network programming; * magazines and inserts; * newspapers; and * book publishing. The principal activities f associated entities include: * satellite, television and cable broadcasting; * newspaper publishing; and * print and electronic television guidance applications. It covers all over the world and products serves every segment f market. It is said to be the most integrated news company at the moment. The Resource. News Corporation had total assets as f June 30, 2001 f approximately US$43 billion and total annual revenues f approximately US$14 billion. News Corporation's diversified global operations in the United States, Canada, continental Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia, Latin America and the Pacific Basin include the production f motion pictures and television programming; television, satellite and cable broadcasting; the publication f newspapers, magazines and books; the production and distribution f promotional and advertising products and services; the development f digital broadcasting; the development f conditional access and subscriber management systems, and

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