Thursday, October 17, 2019

Mission and Personal Values in Building a Career Research Paper

Mission and Personal Values in Building a Career - Research Paper Example Developing a personal career vision statement is never easy. However, it is a must for any individual to formulate or develop his/her own because without this, an individual is just driving aimlessly and without any final destination. This career vision statement will then serve as a guide and motivation to what future he/she wants to achieve and fulfil (Green, 1999). Actually, there are several ways or steps to create a vision statement and it’s up to an individual which one he/she wants to model his/her own statement framework. Because what really matters is that this statement could able to give career and life purpose; set a clear expression of future career; and it provides focus and direction as well as inspiration and motivation (Jones, 1998). According to Cranford (2011), a certified Career Coach, he proposed four basic steps or procedures in creating/formulating/ developing a career vision statement. And these include the following: step ahead, look away, see the step s forward, and put it on paper. Creating a vision is not easy, and it takes a lot of effort and time. It cannot be done or accomplished overnight. Hence, one must take time to reflect and envision what he/she really want to be or to attain and fulfil in the future. And this can be made possible if he/she will provide enough time for himself/herself to think, internalize and understand his/her inner self in order to identify and know his /her own strengths, weaknesses and personalities, which will determine the career he/she wanted to pursue.  

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