Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Incompetent Job Performance In Public Service Essay -- Work Employment

Incompetent Job Performance In Public Service Historically public employees have been viewed by the general public as being overpaid, inefficient, ineffective and unresponsive to the needs of the public. The news media’s constant reporting of scandals, financial misappropriations and unethical behavior in the public service further substantiate the growing lack of confidence the public has in the competence of public service organizations. In 1989 the National Commission on the Public Service, the Volcker Commission, reported that the need for competence and trustworthiness in public service was steadily growing not diminishing. (Nigro, 9) The goal of the Volcker Commission was to identify the necessary changes to personnel policies and practices that would counteract the increasing public lack of confidence in the ability of public service organizations to satisfy public demands. Many local governments that experienced the budget cuts, fiscal restraints and organizational turmoil of the 1990’s have determined that to enhance their competence, gain public trust and to avoid future financial difficulties, it is imperative that the staff of public service organizations become more professional, better trained and responsive to public needs. Managers in public service organizations have a vitally important role in the effort to create competence and gain public trust. Traditionally, the job of a manager has been defined as one who keeps things going in an organization. Generally the focus of a manager is on monitoring, directing and refining the current performance of the organization. (Whetten, 14) A manager gets things done through people. Leaders are those who establish the vision and set the direction of t... ...ers, Inc., 1996 5. Nigro, Lloyd G., Felix A. Nigro. The New Public Personnel Administration. Itasca, Illinois: F. E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1994 6. Scott, Michael P. â€Å"7 PITFALLS for MANAGERS WHEN HANDLING POOR PERFORMERS and HOW TO OVERCOME THEM† February 2000 Online. Available: 7. Segal, Jonathan A. â€Å"Performance Management For Jekyll and Hyde† February 1999 Published in HR Magazine, Legal Trends. Online. Available: 8. Vaughan, Susan. â€Å"Rethinking Employee Evaluations† Los Angeles Times, 8 April 2001 Work Place, Part W, Page 1 9. Whetten, David A., Kim S. Cameron. Developing Management Skills, 4th ed. New York: Addison-Wesley Inc., 1998

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