Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Importance of the Role of the Teacher Essay -- Education Teaching

The Importance of the Role of the Teacher The future of the world is in the hands of the children. Whether the future be a positive or negative one depends on the children and the education they receive. The education of a child is so valuable that one needs to consider the importance of the child's education. Also, one needs to consider how to go about nurturing those bright minds so one day they can become independent individuals. As Educators, one needs to be aware of the short-term effects as well as the long-term effects in which education may play on the child's views of the world. In order to be able to provide a good education to a child, it is necessary for there to be a place in which both the educator and student can meet in equal terms. In order for this to occur there has to be a bond between the teacher and student. Without this bond it is impossible for both parties to set goals, work out those goals together and finally accomplish them. A sense of understanding between both the teacher and student is imperative. A point where both parties meet and are aware of the responsibilities each one has to each other. Both the teacher and student need to be aware of each other's roles and how important those roles play in the achievement of the educator and student. For example, the teacher serves as the provider of information, as well as the one that holds the power in a class. "They hold the grades, and usually students perceive them as holding the knowledge, too" (Zawodniak 124). The way teachers use this power defines the perspective of their pedagogy, the teacher's perspective of the art of teaching. The approach the teacher takes and how much knowledge she would like to deliver to the class depends on th... ... free to speak their mind without being intimidated of the teacher. Once students feel free to speak their mind, they will grow mentally, physically and emotionally, eventually becoming an individual who has learned from the teacher to respect and value knowledge. By working together teachers and students will "achieve a pedagogy that is truly student-centered" (Zawodniak 131), a relationship that is open, honest, and has one goal in mind: that education is the future, and our students hold that future. The power of the future is knowledge, respect it and value it. Works Cited: Cheney,Lynne V. "PC: Alive and Entrenched." The Presence of Others. T Second ed. New York: St. Martin,1997. Zawodniak, christian. "I'll Have to Help Some of You More Than I Wan t>To":Teacher Power, student Pedagogy." The presence of Others. Second ded. New York: St. Martin, 1997.

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